[Updated: 2024-May-06]

Jubo 2020 Simfiles
Complete Pack (Everything in One!) [CRC32: 48B41DB2 | Size: 1.19 GB]
Otaku’s Dream Server -||- Google Drive -||- JuboSimfiles.com
SM+SSC Patch [Update: 2024 May 06]
[Download this, if you have previously have an old version of the pack prior to new update on 2024 May 06]
Otaku’s Dream Server -||- Google Drive -||- JuboSimfiles.com
35+1 Songs!!! all have BGVideo!
All difficulties are converted to “near” Simulated DDR-X/A(1-20 ratings) [Easy+Medium+Hard+Expert] (except Collabs w/ Aikyoku, using ?ITG? format)
// Beginners Charts are KB Chart! (except Collabs w/ Aikyoku that’ll be Edit Charts) with MSD(etterna rating -Various ver. it is-) + 10 (to differential from PAD).

Get the full detailed song list here. Which includes the individual song downloads!!!
Alright 2020… What I can say… Not a great year. And you all know what it is…
Only done like what 36 songs in this pack… There are some on the previous pack too so might have been more 😮
I thank Aikyoku for the collaborations on 5 of those simfiles.

As usual … If you followed my simfile releases daily/weekly/etc up-to-date diehards lol

There is no need to download this pack at all no changes, nothing!!! Just the 3 Newest Simfiles Made +1 Secret Simfile, an OLD KB chart one!
Also, thanks to Reddit in 2020 for some of the Songs in the list that was requested in the monthly Official Simfile Request Thread.

Special Thanks to…
My packs are going to be yearly now… Here’s to keeping my oath/promise I guess?
I’ve been keeping up on KB Charts on Beginner Chart these simfiles which is good right? But the quality of them are eeee IFFY right>? Oh boy but at least KeyBoard Players rejoice there is one…
As for PAD Players I am trying to get Hard(Heavy) more harder and challenging then usual
and Expert(Challenge) more understandable? and doable? I guess.
Anyways… Hope you like it. Look Forward to the 2021 Simfiles As usual placeholder release on that is Jan2022! OH MY!~ lol